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Defend Yourself - Get Your Sunblock On!

It's a Sunscreen. It's a Sunblock. No, it's Daylight Defense.

At least, that's what Dermalogica calls it. And that explains exactly what those suncreens and sunblocks are suppose to do-defend us from harm.

Long gone are the days when it was cool to bake our bodies in the sun. On the roof. With baby oil. Yes, people did that. And, yes, I am one of those people. I spent my youth challenging all comers to a tanning contest every Summer. And I would get a nice tan. (wait, is that an oxymoron? Nice Tan?)

Well, truth be told, there was really nothing nice about it. What did it get me really? Depleted collagen and hyperpigmentation. (Also known as Wrinkles and Agespots) But I didn't know that then. Now, I am in the Aging Skin club and would love to take it all back! Every burn-til-I-peel moment. What we didn't know back then, huh? Now we all know better.

So, how do we protect ourselves? First we have to understand what we are up against and how we can defend against our skin's  attacker.

UV Rays

  • SPF stands for Sun Protection Factor. This is the number found on most sunblocks and suncreens, even some cosmetics. The higher the number, the better protection from the sun's harmful UV rays.
  • UV stands for ultra violet. The United States uses a UVI or Ultra Violet Index as a scale to determine the danger from UV rays. 
  • UVA, UVB, and UVC  rays can all damage collagen fibers and therefore, accelerate aging of the skin. Ugh! 
It's not all bad news. UVB rays induce Vitamin D production in our bodies. (Read the latest news on Vitamin D and breast cancer treatment) Too much exposure to UVB rays, however can cause sunburn and  some forms of skin cancer. Although we need some sunlight, we must protect ourselves from harm whenever possible. 

Sunscreens vs Sunblocks:

  • Sunscreens protect from harmful UVB rays, but not the other harmful rays. This will allow user to tan more easily vs when a sunblock is applied.
  • Sunblock is supposed to block all UV rays completely, giving maximum protection from sun damage.  *Look for the words FULL SPECTRUM to be sure the product is actually a full sunblock.

My personal recommendation: SUNBLOCK for Everyone!

For sensitive users, avoid irritation and choose a chemical-free sun shield. You can protect and soothe your skin at the same time! 

Sun Protection Tips:

  • Sunny days are NOT the only days to apply sun protection. Those harmful rays can reach us even on an overcast or cloudy day. 
  • Reapply every two hours or after swimming. When choosing daylight or sun protection, keep in mind that no application of sun protection lasts all day. 

So, ...

Defend Yourself and Get Your Sunblock On!

Do you get your Sunblock on regularly? Do you prefer a sunscreen? Please share in the comments.

Disclosure: Sometimes, I will be compensated if you click on certain links and decide to purchase the products I recommend. These recommendations are always based on a positive experience with the person or company whose product I am recommending. Pretty please, always do your OWN due-diligence before making any purchases and be a good steward of your money - never purchase anything that you cannot afford.


  1. Interesting article! Also bear in mind that UV rays are harmful to your eyes and can do a lot of damage to this sensitive organ.


    1. Yes. Always wear eye protection. I opt for polarized lenses to protect my eyes. Thanks for stopping by!
